Say Bye to Clutter: How to Spark Joy in Your Home Office


It’s been almost 8 months since we had to start working from home. Most of us were not prepared for such a drastic shift in our work life. While many adapted to the change easily, others struggled to find the right balance and working environment at home. If you’re lucky enough to have ample space, then you might have a workspace that you desire, or else your desk could be piled high with general clutter and a lot of dust right now. And it’s not just about cleanliness and organization, clutter affects you negatively, more than you know. 

Even though we are starting our way back to work, working from home periodically will be the new norm. Organizing your things and reimagining your ideal workspace could be the trick you need to make work more enjoyable. Let’s dive into the science of decluttering and the art of sparking joy.

Chair: Olive

Chair: Olive


Stress breeds clutter

We know the saying, “Cleanliness is next to godliness”. For a long time, many thinkers and leaders have linked success with fastidiousness. In the recent past, neuroscientists and psychologists have studied the effect of clutter on our cognition, emotion, mental health, behavior, and decision-making skills. Disorganized or cluttered workspaces, specifically, seem to increase levels of stress and anxiety.

“Clutter can be as blocking as a lack of clear direction. Once removed, there’s space to let creativity back in.”

But, it’s not the same for everybody. For others, the mess is a mark of creativity. Sometimes people working in disorderly spaces come up with more creative ideas than their counterparts in clean areas. Clearly, clutter causes more stress for some people than it does for others. There is no one size that fits all. 

As we find ourselves spending hours each day on Zoom, we’re finding the state of our home offices seriously interfering in our work. Also, our laptop and phone cameras are revealing our home environments to our clients and colleagues like never before, which may also be stressful. When our workspace is drowning in clutter, it’s time to unleash our inner Marie Kondo.  

Desk: Natural Joy, Chair: Aveza

Desk: Natural Joy, Chair: Aveza


The Magic of Tidying up

While keeping the workplace tidy seems like an obvious starting point to be more productive, most employees find it the hardest to follow—especially in their home workspaces which do not have the structure of the cubicle-oriented spaces of offices. This switch is anything but easy—especially for those who have never worked from home before—and requires some rethinking of what a productive work area should be. All we need is some inspiration to get things started.

Marie Kondo, the best-selling author, and creator of the KonMari method of cleaning has gained many fans over the years for her approach to cleaning. Through her show on Netflix, she has popularized her version of Japanese minimalism around the world. With the goal of keeping only things that “spark joy”, Kondo advocates the use of emotions in organizing. For her new book “joy of work”, she collaborated with Rice University business school professor Scott Sonenshein that aims to help you declutter and reorganize your workspace, resulting in increased productivity and spur joy on the job.

“Tidying the workplace sparks joy in our work, helping us to become more organized and achieve better results.” – Marie Kondo

Desk: Linz, Chair: Shield

Desk: Linz, Chair: Shield


Spark Joy in your home office 

KonMari method teaches us to get rid of anything which we don’t love; which does not bring us joy. It asks us to thank our possessions for the service they’ve given, the usefulness they might have once had, and in doing so, regain respect for the things we own. The gist lies in how you define “joy” in the office. Your office can become a source of happiness and energy if you organize it properly. 

Create a space that feels good

Having a workspace that sparks joy for you irrespective of where it is in the home, makes working so much more enjoyable. Make the space inviting, and by keeping it clutter-free, you can be more productive and showcase your favorite items. Choose a space inside your home, which makes you feel good.

Keep as little as possible on the desk

Your desktop is a work surface, not a storage cupboard, so the rule of thumb is to store nothing on it. Keep this image of a clear desktop in your mind when you start storing it. People who do so usually finish with only a laptop and an ornament or potted plant on their desk. You should then add one item to your workspace that sparks joy for you when you look at it.

Sit-Stand Table: UP1, Chair: Iron

Sit-Stand Table: UP1, Chair: Iron


Place items that you love and need

Sort through stuff and divide them into at least three groups: items for keeping, items for discarding, and items you are undecided about. Pick them up, examine them closely, and ask yourself: “What is this item’s purpose? Does it make me happy?” Letting go of items you no longer need can be therapeutic. A calm and orderly work environment can bring calm and order to everything else.

Store in a portable box

If you’re in a small apartment where you don’t have a designated home office, then storing your essential work items in a designated box or basket is crucial to helping you stay organized. While working, you can also move the box anywhere with you and keep it out of sight when not working.  It will make it easier for you to find things when they’re needed. 

Declutter your mind

Take breaks. It’s important to make room for downtime throughout the day in order to avoid burnout. By tidying up and making room for downtime, you will be able to “get in touch with what you really want,” find out “what you need to change” and “find more joy in your environment.” Your creativity will be replenished and your brain will be sharper.

Tidy up a little every day 

Once you have managed to organize your items in the office, remember to tidy up a little bit each day. Return things to their proper places after each use to avoid misplacing the items. Constantly maintain your upkeep, and you don’t have to spend days cleaning thoroughly any time soon. Use your drawers to store things based on your need and the frequency of usage.

X-Furniture Storage Solutions

X-Furniture Storage Solutions


Don’t reply to every single email

Only send emails that are necessary to get work done, and use CCing and “Reply All” sparingly. By sending fewer emails, you’ll likely get fewer responses and you won’t need to spend unnecessary time to reply to those. 

Create a “Sparks Joy” folder on your desktop

Limit your desktop to urgent documents only, which will only be there temporarily. Keep a “sparks joy” folder on your desktop which can have files and documents of something that you are really proud of. An instant digital mood booster. 

The Takeaway

Cleaning the KonMari way is about finding joy in the things you do, instilling comfort in your personal space, and rediscovering your priorities. Beyond decluttering, the method encourages you to reflect on your principles and express them through your space. There’s something cathartic about letting go of unnecessary things. Once removed, things flow more easily; there’s room to let creativity and joy back in.
